Tag: Local broker

Digital Threats: Here’s Why You Probably Need Cyber Insurance
Digital Threats: Here’s Why You Probably Need Cyber Insurance
Cyber insurance is important in the digital age. The internet is ubiquitous these days. So much of our social lives, business operations, commerce, and other interactions happens on the world wide web. It follows that for most people and organisations, keeping yourself safe against cybercrime is just as important as protecting your physical assets. However, it is often overlooked and…

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Protect Your Woodwork Joinery Sector Business With Tailored Insurance
Protect Your Woodwork Joinery Sector Business With Tailored Insurance
Joinery can be a risky business. Timber joinery is a specialised industry, providing critical windows and doors, flooring, cabinetry and much more for buildings and homes across New Zealand. Although it often flies under the radar, the joinery sector holds an important place in the world of both domestic and commercial construction. Producing quality timber joinery is no simple task,…

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Why Do I Need Life Insurance For My Business?
Why Do I Need Life Insurance For My Business?

How life insurance can help business owners plan for the unexpected Life insurance is often considered a very personal matter, but it matters in the business arena too. For business owners, particularly those working with partners who also have vested interest in the company, life insurance and other related covers like key person insurance and debt protection are crucial. Comprehensive…

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Do I Need Life Insurance? Probably—Here’s Why
Do I Need Life Insurance? Probably—Here’s Why

Why buy life insurance? To think about your own death is generally considered a little morbid; it’s a subject that many people—especially young and healthy ones—prefer to avoid. However, planning for all eventualities is important. Life insurance is a key component of good financial management. Even the healthiest of people can run into unexpected circumstances: imagine a man in his…

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Underinsurance: Is Your Sum Insured Up To Date?
Underinsurance: Is Your Sum Insured Up To Date?
Is your sum insured enough for a fresh start? Imagine that the worst happened to your business: your premises burnt to the ground, were ravaged by an earthquake, or were otherwise severely damaged and in need of replacement. Most companies pay for insurance to safeguard their operations against this very scenario. Understandably, it would be pouring salt on the wound…

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The Benefits of Using an Insurance Broker
The Benefits of Using an Insurance Broker

Insurance made easier and more convenient.   Finding insurance that works best for your specific set of circumstances and needs can be a tall order. Have you ever shopped around for the best company to go with, the right policies to cover any eventuality, and a way to combine your different covers for the most cost-effective solution? If so, you’ll…

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